About Us

AI Consensus is a student organization working to responsibly integrate AI into education. We believe that AI has great potential to enhance the way we learn and teach and bring about better education systems. We also believe that students have an important role to play in this movement, as those at the core of education. We are a 501c(3) organization through our fiscal sponsor Minerva University.


We founded AI Consensus in March 2023, in response to the controversial impact AI was having on education. While we were largely optimistic about this technology, we saw many educators and institutions choosing to ban the technology and reverting to more primitive methods of assessment. It seemed most were focused on adapting the technology to fit the status quo and going backwards, instead of working to reimagine the status quo with AI. 

Furthermore, while we saw many educators and professionals working on the future of education with AI, we saw a lack of engagement and involvement from those who lie at the core of education – students. Thus, we made it part of our mission to empower students to play a larger role in shaping the future of learning. 

Since then, we’ve been hosting events around the world, advocating for greater involvement of students and exploring the future of learning. Read more about our work here.

Leo Wu
Co-Founder, President

Leo studies economics and sociology at Minerva and has always been passionate about education and how it can be improved. He’s still not exactly sure about the story behind that camel, but is happy to roll with it.

Mashiko Lortkipanidze
Co-Founder, Head of Operations

Mashiko is a mathematics and economics student at Minerva University with work experience in robotics. She is passionate about education and technology as ways to improve human lives.

Jan Bartkowiak
Co-Founder, Chief Evangalist

Jan studies economics and policy at Minerva University. He runs Econverse – Poland’s biggest student-led NGO – and is geekish about the ways AI can be used to elevate education, administration and innovation around the world.